Calamari and walnut stack
- One small whole calamari for each person. Cut off the leg and clean them with paper towelling. Pull out the guts of the calamari and throw these out and clean the inside and the outside with paper towelling. Cut off the flaps and put these with the legs. Like Josh Niland teaches I put a wider wooden spoon in the middle and sliced thin cuts across the calamari head so I did not cut right thru it. If you use a knife in the middle you can blunted your cutting knife.
- 1 tspn olive oil to heat pan and for the BBQ.
- one clove of garlic
- lemon juice of one lemon. 1/2 For legs and 1/2 for head of the calamari
- Himalayan salt and black pepper
- greens of spring onion - one for each person. You can use the white if fructose ok.
- 1/2 cup of walnuts for approx 4 people. Less depending on serve
- 1/2 cup of spinach leaves to serve with.
- gluten free soya sauce
- love
1. Thoroughly prepare the calamari so it is clean. It is important not to wash with water as this releases the fishy smell.
2. On the head of the calmari put pepper, crushed garlic, salt, soya and lemon juice. Place on the BBQ and cook each side for about 6 minutes each. Maybe an extra squeeze of lemon whilst cooking.
3. In a small pan fry add oil and fry the onion, walnuts, soya sauce, some lemon juice, pepper and salt. Add the clean legs of the calamari and the flaps that you cut off. Some will curl as the tenticles heat.
4. Place the calamari leg mix on the base of your plate and some spinach to add some greens. then place the cooked calamari head on the top. Enjoy