Warming Spices
CLOVES - A tiny clove has a world of therapeutic value. Its uses date back to the time of the plague. Some call cloves the spice of the theives, for it was the people that ate cloves that did not get the plague. Cloves should be fragrant, full, large, oily and a dark red. Cloves can relieve abdominal pain, diarrhoea, hiccups, loss of appetite or vommiting simply by its warming properties. The cloves can also warm the kidneys, and clears up vaginal discharges.
It is well known that clove oil can be used for toothaches, great for clearing mucus and any throat or mouth inflammation. Clove oil can kill bacteria caused by Pseudomonas, Shigellia, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus infections. It enhances the effectiveness of Acyclovir, a antiviral drug used for herpes. Clove is found to be antiparasitic and great for fungal infections like athletes foot. Not to forget the simple use of cloves in a nice apple pie or chai tea - simply yummy.
CARDAMON - Cardamon is a perienial plant but the part used medicinally is the whole seed pod. Cardamon is a gentle warming spice that when fresh is used to help in conditions such as asthma, chest pain, blood clots, digestive gas and vomiting. This would of course be in conjuction with other nutrients or orthodox prescriptions depending on the individual.
GINGER - You may notice, that in many of Possum Hollow's winter herbal mixtures, that often ginger is included. Yes ginger is warming and aids circulation but it also is very effective against winter infections. Ginger reduces inflammation, has antiviral properties and relieves nausea. It can also be used in cases of arthritis, travel sickness, parasites, cholessterol, colds and general bad circulation. Ginger is a fabulous addition for herbal mixtures and some practitioners even uses it for gargling. Ginger is magnificent used in vegetable juice and in cooking to add medicinal value and aroma to our food. Try using it on top of your fish, in your soups or in sauces. You do not need to use much to get a nice ginger flavour.
CINNAMON - Cinnamon, if you talk in Eastern medicinal terms, helps bring the Qi energy from the top of the body down to the lower organs. This can be very helpful for people with headaches, colds, sinisitis, redness in faces or even fevers. Then by redirecting the warmth to the lower parts of the body it can then aid kidneys, fertility, impotence, increasing testosterone, frequent urination and even polycystic ovaries. Cinnamon helps with abdominal gas and drug resistent fungal conditions. In our family cinnamon is used on yogurt, in smoothies or rice custard and of course in the kid's cookies.
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