Sleep Hygiene
When I think of the word "hygiene" I think of cleanliness. However the meaning of sleep hygiene has nothing to do with cleanliness, for "sleep hygiene" is actually described as the recommended behavioural and environmental practice that is intended to promote a good quality sleep.
Sleep facts
- 50 %of people fall asleep during the daytime
- Insomnia affects 85% of adults /year
- 15 % of people have chronic insomnia
- Sleep lowers the effects of inflammation and pain
- 90 % of depressed patients have circadian rhythm problems
- Improved sleep doubles recovery from depression.
MYTH - It is a myth that as we age we need less sleep. It is a myth that age affects depth of sleep and dreams.
Sleep stabilises emotional reactivity and depression. It helps people with resistance. there is an area of the brain called the hippocampus that plays an important role in the consolidation of short term information. Sleep helps the brain transfer short term memories from the hippocampus to the long term memories stored in the brain cortex. You can read more about this in Brain facts article.
Things that aid a good night sleep
Circadian rhythm - try to go to bed at the same time and wake at the same time. Our body likes cycles.
Natural light exposure during day light hours. Being exposed to daytime light preferably natural light.
Avoid coffee and alcohol The body detoxifies at night
Eat at least 3 hours before bed and only eat very light snacks if you happen to eat after that time
Have a warm bath The warm bath tends to help if it is NOT immediately before bed. A bath a few hours before bed is preferred otherwise your body can get too hot for sleeping
Dim lights in the house in the evening
Avoid electronic screens from IPads, computers, phones in the last 2 hours pre bedtime
Earlier to bed ideally at the same time - 1/2 hour of sleep before 12 midnight is equal to 2 hours sleep after midnight
Practise meditation and mindfulness -
Avoid exposure to EMR - Smart meters, electric blankets, TV in bedroom, phones near bed, Wi-Fi in the house
Relaxation music - part of creating an environment conducive to sleep is to listen to relaxation music that you like
Aromatherapy - this is very individual but some people find aromatherapy helpful for instance lavender, jasmine, lemon grass might prove beneficial
Breathing - exercises to help breath deeper and more relaxed.
Jaw - if you are prone to jaw grinding or clamping then you may need a dental plate to aid sleep.
Sleep apnoea - for some people sleep apnoea can be an issue that requires a mask. Do diagnose this you would be required to have a sleep analysis. Weight loss and dietary change can significantly help sleep apnoea.
Massage - can help relax your body generally. With massage you can wind down generally and hence sleep better.
Naturopathically we use various substances that encourage healthy sleeping. This is best discussed with your practitioner.
If sleep is an issue we often suggest to do a sleep profile assessment to check Melatonin and Cortisol levels at night. Please discuss this with your practitioner if interested.
Naturopathic Remedies That Can Help
- Magnesium
- Tryptophan
- L-Theanine
- Green Tea
- Chamomile Tea
- Passionflower
- Flower Essences
- Massage
- Hormonal balancing
- Phellodendron
- Magnolia
written by Maedy Colenso ND2016