Male Depression, Anxiety, Lack of Confidence and Motivation
At the start of 2020 we predominantly talked to people about the immune system but in the second half of the year mental health issues have been on the rise. Most Women will talk and express their emotions but one of the problems with men is the psychological ill health can go unnoticed/unregcognised by family. For many 2020 and the pandemic has not helped this either - from health issues, financial pressure, isolation, house bound, homeschooling, addiction and many people reassessing priorities, life decisions and choices. At the clinic we see so many men and boys that need help. Some men open up and are honest with family and aware of their feelings but some of the most severe cases include family members that are not aware of emotional health and wellbeing.
Our role is to balance the biochemistry to help the emotions, help people see the world in a better way, and even in times of stress, cope and feel more positive about life. If your body is healthier and you are exercising regularly then you will be surprised how much better you can feel. In saying this so much discussion can be on physical health and the mind and soul is equally as important. We network with some amazing psychologists and in Melbourne there are many that specialise with men.
The first step is to recognise the symptoms and realise there is a problem. Then it is to seek professional help.
Symptoms of Depression:
- unhelpful thoughts
- self doubt
- self critical
- low confidence
- feeling helpless or hopeless about the future
- changes in appetite
- abnormal sleep
- lowered sex drive
- difficult concentration
- poor memory
- slower moving
- irritability
- avoiding social situations
- avoiding activities previously pleasurable
- not getting pleasure out of usually happy activities
- anxiety or anxiety attacks in some cases
It is important to know that if you or a family member has thoughts of hurting yourself or ending your life that you urgently contact lifeline on 131114, your GP, psychologist. Or if in doubt dial 000.
Genetics can play a role:
Here at the clinic we do a Smart DNA genetic wellness and look at all the genes that make up the person's health. There are certain genes that can play a role with happiness and nutrient requirements. We can also get Nutripath to test pyroluria, amino acids and neurotransmitters. This can make a huge difference to a person's happiness.
The brain is incredible and you do see patterns of emotional responses run through families. This does not mean that if your dad was depressed you have to be. With nutrigenomics you can change the nutrients to enhance your genetic tendencies for the better.
Nutrients/Herbs that may be useful for depression:
I cannot emphasis that everyone is individual and to not self prescribe nutrients especially if you are on orthodox medications.
- Zinc - especially if pyroluria
- Vit D
- Same
- L- Theanine
- St John's Wart
- L- Tryptophan
- Melatonin
- Specific B vitamins - this will depend on genetics like MTHFR and if anxiety prone
- N -acetyl cysteine
- Inositol
- Iodine
- Tyrosine
TIPS that can help if motivation is down
1 .Use ACTION to create motivation not the other way around. Try and take action to create momentum for yourself instead of waiting for a lightening bolt to strike. Force yourself to take some action or to exercise even if you don't want to. Any action, could in fact help even a little. Love is not something you just receive and experience it is something you create and nourish. The same is true for motivation and inspiration. On a day when you are feeling low try just a little to do something, write something or move in someway or call a friend.
2. RELISH THE PROCESS and not simply the outcome. It is good to have goals but enjoy the journey. Sadly at the moment the human race are becoming more and more hard wired for preferred immediate gratification over long term benefits. The trick is to enjoy the process and to shift the focus from intangible future benefits and to simply enjoy the present.
3. Try and SHIFT THE FOCUS from me focused to helping other people or doing something for the greater good. It helps put things in perspective.
4. Take SMALLER STEPS and make smaller goals within the bigger goal and celebrate these achievements. Create rules or plans or smaller constraints to move forward with action. Some people can be paralysed with what to do as they look at the life picture so just take action for the next 2-3 weeks. Or even smaller steps for the next 2 days or 2 hours. Little steps are better than the bigger picture. Little steps lead to the bigger picture.
5. Do not take life too seriously. See things a little more LIGHT HEARTED. Do not analyse things too much or make it to heavy.
6. PRIORITY - what is a must achieve and what is a nice to achieve? Once you have worked out the priority and what is really important now, then take action towards this goal. One step at a time if needed. A wise person once said to me when things are going wrong or feeling like they are going wrong step back and assess 'what is really important now and what is your problem and what is someone else's problem' or the good old saying ' separate what is something you can help and what is something you have no control over' . Do not waste energy on what you have no control over. By realising this you can take action on what you do have control over.
7. IMAGINE YOURSELF IN 10 YEARS and where you would like to be and what will you regret. This way we see what we value and what is important to us.
8. DO NOT JUDGE YOURSELF and drop your expectations of yourself. Stop analysing things and just get on with it. Do not expect things to fail do not over think things. Do not be fearful. You can keep over thinking things and wait for the stars to be in alignment but this may never happen so nothing will get done or move forward. Take the leap and put yourself out there. It may not be perfect or the perfect decision but at least you started. Before long by doing this you have achieved things. Ideas -start a new hobby, write a new resume, learn to swim, challenge yourself with something you have never done before.
9. FIND PEOPLE, FRIENDS, ACTIVITIES THAT INSPIRE you to keep moving forward. Hang out with people you like their energy of and copy them. Eat well and get regular sleep to help energy and inspiration, and have breaks for the screens. Do not waste your life in front of screens. The EMR of screens is not good for the brain especially if it effects melatonin and sleep quality. So many people, boys, adolescence move from play station to phone computer to laptop to TV - they are all screens.
10. WRITE LISTS of little and bigger GOALS and tick them off as you do them. Or use a journal.
11. FAKE IT. Fake it til you make it .Pretend to be more motivated. It does help .By acting more confident and bold you bodies responds chemically to give you more strength and energy to actually be that way. This goes with posture too. Standing tall, head up and sitting straight you will feel more alert and energised and motivated. This includes exercise – Moving your body, breathing and getting moving is motivating. When you are depressed, lethargic you feel unmotivated but when you are up moving around you feel more motivated. Pretend you are fit.
12.FRESH AIR, TREES, NATURE – help motivation. Breathe outside and get sunlight and fresh air. Particularly if you are anxious. and please do not smoke. Get out camping or bush walking or fishing in nature. It is so good for the soul.
13. SPACE CLEAN - Clean room. Clean office and fresh air. Living in clutter does not help anyones mindset.
14. Do not be afraid to ASK FOR HELP or seek professional help and or talk to a friend.
We are here if you need. 039844 4881
Ref: Kyle Ingham - Podcast – The Distillled Man