Amino Acid Therapy
In the future We may see more and more research done on individual amino acid therapy. In simple terms protein breaks down to amino acids. We try to get enough protein and nutrients in our diet and the healthier we eat the the healthier our digestive lining and consequently less supplementation is needed. Some amino acids can be made from others but some we need to consume in our food and these are classified as essential amino acids. Protein is an important substance for the body and helps with repair, recovery, rebuilding, neurotransmittors and detoxification. If you google Amino Acids you can often see a lot of scientific terms that may be difficult for most people to understand. Here I have listed some of the basic reasons you can use individual amino acids written in terms we can understand. If you feel in anyway amino acids could benefit you please mention amino acids to your practitioner. I would NOT suggest self prescibing amino acids to anyone.
Tyrosine (non essential)
Tyrosine is very useful in helping the thyroid function and uplifting the moods. Some people with certain bacteria in the gut will find it hard to produce tyrosine.
Glycine (non essential)
Glycine is a great nutrient medicinally. It can help with detoxification and in the form of DMG can even help with oxygenation. Glycine can suppress free radicals and reduce inflammation Where there has been disruption,via toxin or heamorrhage, to an organ you see the glycine reduce effects of this damage or shock. When a pathology report comes thru with a abnormal liver function test results it is really helpful to our practitioners to get a liver detoxification profile done. This test will test for glycination ( amoungst other things) of the liver and if this is low using glycine medicinally can improve the liver function test dramatically. Glycine plays a role with the nervous system, including the brain, and connective tissue.
Cysteine (essential)
Cysteine may not taste the best but the therapeutic uses for this protein is expansive. I have seen this used for detoixification, ross river virus, addition, withdrawal. Cysteine has many uses for the immune system it can help in allergic reactions, helicobactor, HIV, Influenza, Sjogrens and Lupus. Cysteine is great for withdrawal from mediciations and in addiction. It has even been used for nail biting, skin picking and trichotillomum. For mental health cysteine has a role for conditions like OCD, autism, bipolar, schizophrenia and alzhemirs. Lung wise it can help with sleep apnoea, bronchitis and withdrawing from smoking. Fertility is also aided by cysteine. Cysteine can help in endometriosis, fertility and PCOS.
Carnitine(non essential)
Technically this is a dipeptide made from lysine and methionine so therefor is classed as a conditionally essential amnio acid. Carnitine for many is used for weight loss before training. I do not think protein of any kind should be used with out breaks but this can be brought in and out to trick the system to help metabolise fats better. There is a metabolic genetic disorder called Priamry Carnitine defieicncy where carnitine is used as the main treatment. Children are born with this disorder. Carnitine plays an essential role in energy production. Why people take it for weight loss is that it helps people turn fat into energy.
Theanine( non essential)
This is a similar to glutamine and is an amino acid found in the form of a tea called Camellia sinesis. It helps to promote relaxation and sedation. With all the anxiety and stress in society this may be a remedy that is used more commonly in the future.
Serine (non essential)
Serine is one of the most difficult of amino acids to obtain from foods. In the clinic the individual serine used for some is Phosphatidylserine. Phospatidylserine is used to help with cognitive function, it can help focus cognitive capacity and memory loss. It has been found to improve mental focus, boost learning, relieve depression and improve moods, inhibit stress induced cortisol increase, decrease stress and help in obsessive compulsive disorders.Phospatidylserine is classified as a smart nutrient and is said to have reversing effects on the aging brain.
Glutamine (non essential)
Glutamine is quite abundant in the body but when needed has a vast and underestimated healing quality to the body. I first learnt about glutamine in the way it relaxed the gut. People with bowels that went into spasm or held tension in their stomach would be helped with glutamine added to the regime. Then the neaurotransmittor GABA comes from glutamine.
Taurine( non essential)
Taurine is derived from cysteine and methionine. Taurine can help detoxification and the phase 2 pathway of the liver. Taurine is an important aminoacid and plays a role in heart, muscle and nervous system function. It is great for oxygenation and for aiding detoxification.I have seen it used on its own but works well with Magnesium. Taurine aids hair growth again sometimes used on it's own and sometimes with other nutrients and or amino acids.
Tryptophan (essential)
Tryptophan is used medicinally as an antidepreesant. It can be low if the bowel is not helping produce serotonin. It does not seem to be needed long term and once a person is happier they do not need trptophan as much, as often or at all.
Lysine (essential)
Lysine is well known for it's effect on herpes virus but it also can help with many other virus'. I have seen it work well with all of the herpes family of virus' and the cytomegalivirus too. It is used in MS to help with myelin sheath repair. Lysine has been investigated for use in cancer by Dr. Rath .
Glutathionine (non essential)
Glutathione comes form cysteine, glutamine and glycine. Glutathione has a important role as an antioxidant and enhances other antioxidants like vitmain E and vitamin C .It supports phase two pathway of detoxification of the liver and there has been many uses of this amino acid for heavy metal detoxification.. Maedy often uses B2 in combination with glutathione to enhance the effects. It is thought Glutathionine does not absorb well but the newer formulas are just getting better and better. Glutathione is also in normal healthy immune systems and one of the ways it does this is by increasing natural killer cells.. In simple terms natural killer cells bind to tumours and virus and kill them which is a good defence mechanism in our bodies to keep us well. Not all autistic clients need glutathione but used in conjuction with other nutrients it can be really useful in changing where a child is on the spectrum for the better.
It is really important to say again at this point amino acids should not be self diagnosed and protein in a medicine form is not right for everyone. For some it is too strong on the kidneys or the stomach. Amino acids as a supplement are not advised for you if you are pregnant either. If you feel you want to discuss any of these amino acids with your practitioner please do so.